Casos con Touareg CloseFit ™ UNPNP

por: Ziv Mazor D.M.D

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Caso 1 – rehabilitación maxilar completa fija

A 55 year old patient requiring full maxillary rehabilitation.
CBCT revealed ridge deficiency with a crestal width of 3-4.5mm.
Treatment plan consisted of anterior Ridge expansion using expenders and placement of six Adin Touareg CloseFit™ NP 3.0mm narrow diameter implants combined with posterior bi-lateral sinus augmentation with simultaneous implant placement.
Immediate loading was carried out on the anterior implants providing the patient with a fixed temporary bridge.
6 months post operation impressions were taken for a fixed PFM restoration.
Patient was satisfied and a 2 year follow up revealed implant stability and bone conservation around the implants.

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