Casos con Touareg CloseFit ™ UNP

por: Dr. Adi Lorean (Cirujano Maxilofacial)

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Caso 2 – rehabilitación de agenesia del incisivo lateral superior

A 22 years old patient presented with partial anodontia of the upper right lateral incisor.
The deciduous tooth presented with mobility class 3.
The treatment plan consisted of extraction and immediate insertion of Adin CloseFitTM UNP 2.75 implant with a Maryland bridge for temporary rehabilitation. In this case, the deciduous tooth was used for the temporary bridge.
Six months post-op impressions were taken for a ceramic crown cemented on a zirconia abutment.
Patient was satisfied and a one year follow-up x-ray and clinical examination revealed implant stability and good bone conservation around the implant.

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